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Dive into the world of Diving Beetles in Animal Crossing: A Guide to Catching and Selling these Aquatic Wonders

Dive into the world of Diving Beetles in Animal Crossing: A Guide to Catching and Selling these Aquatic Wonders

Are you an avid player of Animal Crossing? Have you encountered the diving beetle in the game yet? If not, prepare to be amazed and delighted by this interesting creature!

The diving beetle, also known as water beetle or aquatic beetle, is a unique addition to the game's list of critters. With its black and shiny appearance, it might seem like an ordinary bug at first glance. But once you see it dive into the river or pond and swim with ease, you'll realize that it's far from ordinary.

Unlike other insects in the game, the diving beetle spends most of its time underwater. It has special adaptations that allow it to breathe air while submerged, making it an excellent swimmer and hunter. In real life, diving beetles are also known for their voracious appetite, preying on small creatures such as snails, tadpoles, and even small fish.

So how can you catch this fascinating creature in Animal Crossing? The best way is to equip your character with a wet suit and dive into any river or pond in your town. Keep an eye out for small black bugs swimming around. Once you spot a diving beetle, swim towards it slowly and press the A button to catch it.

But what's the point of catching a diving beetle, you might ask? For starters, it's worth a decent amount of bells if you decide to sell it to Timmy and Tommy at Nook's Cranny. It also counts towards completing your Critterpedia and earning the Golden Net badge. Plus, there's just something satisfying about adding a unique and unusual species to your collection.

If you're feeling particularly adventurous, you can even breed diving beetles in Animal Crossing. Just place a male and female beetle in the same body of water and wait for them to mate. Soon, you'll have a bunch of baby diving beetles swimming around!

Another interesting fact about diving beetles is that they are often used in scientific research. Their unique ability to move in both water and air makes them a fascinating subject for studying biomechanics and animal behavior.

In conclusion, the diving beetle may seem like just another insect in Animal Crossing, but it's actually a fascinating creature with a lot of unique traits. Whether you're looking to complete your Critterpedia, earn some bells, or simply marvel at nature's wonders, catching a diving beetle is definitely worth your time.

So why not grab your wet suit and head underground to explore the rivers and ponds in your town? You never know what kind of underwater treasures you might find.

Diving Beetle Animal Crossing
"Diving Beetle Animal Crossing" ~ bbaz

Diving beetle is one of the few insects that can be found in Animal Crossing. It is an interesting insect that requires players to dive and catch it underwater. Aside from its unique behavior, this insect provides exciting rewards and information about the player's progress in the game.

What is a Diving Beetle?

Diving beetle is known as a water beetle, which means it spends its entire life underwater. It is among the few aquatic species that players can catch in the game. The diving beetle is called such due to its behavior of diving and propelling itself underwater. It is equipped with two pairs of legs that allow it to swim and move on top of the water surface. Its hind legs are long and flat, providing efficient propulsion in the water. Diving beetles have a distinct oval shape and range in color from black to green-brown.

How to Catch a Diving Beetle

To catch a diving beetle, players must first find a river or pond in the game. These are the only places where diving beetles can be found. Once located, players must take a deep breath and dive underwater. Then approach the moving diving beetle and hit its bubble shadow using a net. When successful, players can add the diving beetle to their collection.

Here are some helpful tips when catching a diving beetle:

- Find a clear spot - murky water makes it hard to see the beetle

- Wait for the beetle to stop before hitting its shadow

- Take a breath and stay calm before diving

- Approach the beetle slowly and quietly

The Reward of Catching a Diving Beetle

Catching a diving beetle rewards players with bells and museum donations. Players can sell the diving beetle for 800 bells, and it also can be donated to Blathers in the museum's insect exhibit. With every donation, players can learn more about the diving beetle's physical characteristics and potential behavior.

Other Interesting Facts about the Diving Beetle

- The diving beetle can stay underwater for up to 30 minutes.

- These beetles are carnivorous and prey on small insects, fish, tadpoles, and other aquatic invertebrates.

- A diving beetle can fly and travels between water sources to find food or lays eggs.

- There are over 4,000 species of water beetles worldwide, with the diving beetle being one of the most common.

The Importance of Diving Beetle in Animal Crossing

The diving beetle provides players with a chance to explore the aquatic environment of Animal Crossing. Catching it requires skills and patience, further engaging players in the game's mechanics. It also serves as an educational tool by providing real-life information about the insect's behavior and ecology. Blathers's donations also add to the game's educational value by providing players with additional knowledge about the aquatic world and wild animals.

The Bottomline

Overall, catching a diving beetle in Animal Crossing is a fun and rewarding experience. It encourages players to explore the game's aquatic environments and engage in its gameplay mechanics further. The diving beetle also provides valuable educational knowledge to players, reflecting the game's emphasis on environmental awareness.

Comparison Between Diving Beetle in Animal Crossing

Diving Beetles in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Diving beetles are small insects found in freshwater bodies such as ponds and streams. In the world of Animal Crossing, they can be caught during summer from around 8 AM to 5 PM. In this game, they are known for their ability to dart across the water's surface, making them rather difficult to catch.


Diving beetles in New Horizons are visually stunning creatures that have a shiny, iridescent blue shell and body. Their appearance is particularly striking against the clear blue waters of the game's various ponds and streams.

Catching Difficulty

Catching diving beetles in Animal Crossing can be quite challenging. These speedy insects move quickly and will dive underwater if they feel threatened or sense movement. Players must use a fishing net to carefully scoop up the beetle without disturbing the water too much. This requires patience and skill, making it a fun challenge for experienced players.


In Animal Crossing, diving beetles can be sold for a decent amount of bells. They can also be donated to the museum's bug exhibit, where they will be displayed alongside other insect specimens. Additionally, players can use them as part of seasonal events and participate in bug-catching contests to win prizes.

Diving Beetles in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is a mobile version of the popular Nintendo game that allows players to create their own campsite and interact with various animal characters. Diving beetles make an appearance in this game and play a similar role to their counterparts in New Horizons.


Diving beetles in Pocket Camp have the same striking blue color as their New Horizons counterparts, but their overall appearance is more simplistic due to the game's mobile nature. They have a rounder body and less detail on their shell.

Catching Difficulty

Catching diving beetles in Pocket Camp is much easier than in New Horizons due to the simplified gameplay mechanics. Players simply click on the beetle when it appears on the water's surface to catch it. However, the catch rate is still relatively low, making it somewhat of a challenge for players to collect them all.


In Pocket Camp, players can collect diving beetles to complete various requests and earn rewards. They can also be sold for bells or donated to other players as part of a trade. Beyond that, diving beetles don't play a significant role in the game's overall story or gameplay mechanics.

Comparison Table

Aspect New Horizons Pocket Camp
Appearance Visually striking iridescent blue Simpler design, less detail
Catching Difficulty Requires patience and skill due to darting movements Easier to catch with simple tap mechanics
Uses Sold for bells, donated to museum, used in contests Used in requests, sold for bells, donated/traded with other players

My Opinion

In my opinion, diving beetles are an interesting addition to both games. While they play a relatively small role in the overall story and gameplay mechanics, catching them is a fun and rewarding challenge. The visual design of the beetles is particularly stunning in New Horizons and helps to create a more immersive and exciting game world. However, I appreciate how Pocket Camp has simplified the gameplay mechanics, making it more accessible for all players. Overall, I think diving beetles are a great example of how even the smallest details can enhance the player experience in Animal Crossing.

How to Catch the Diving Beetle in Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing is a beloved game that has been entertaining players of all ages for decades. One of the most exciting parts of the game is the ability to catch different kinds of creatures, including the elusive diving beetle. These elusive little beetles can be quite tricky to catch, but with the right tips and tools, it's possible to snag one for your collection. Here are some tips on how to catch a diving beetle in Animal Crossing.

What is a Diving Beetle?

A diving beetle is an aquatic insect that is found in freshwater ponds, streams, and other bodies of water. They are small, black beetles that can easily escape your grasp if you're not careful. In Animal Crossing, you can catch these beetles by diving into the water and using your net to snag them before they get away.

When can you catch Diving Beetles?

Diving beetles can be caught in Animal Crossing during the months of May through September. They are most active during the daytime, so it's best to look for them during the day.

Where to Find Diving Beetles?

Diving beetles can be found swimming in ponds and rivers around your island. To find them, look for areas of water that are calm and free from underwater weeds. You can also try searching near rocks or trees that are close to the water's edge. These beetles are fast swimmers, so keep an eye out for them as you explore the island.

How to Catch a Diving Beetle?

To catch a diving beetle, you'll need to equip your wet suit and snorkel gear. Dive into the water and swim around until you see a beetle swimming by. Use your net to quickly catch it before it gets away. It's important to move quickly because these beetles are fast swimmers and can easily escape your grasp if you're not careful.

Tips for Catching Diving Beetles?

If you're having trouble catching diving beetles in Animal Crossing, here are a few tips to help improve your chances:1. Look for calm water without weeds or debris that can obstruct your view of the beetle.2. Equip your net before diving into the water, so you're ready to catch the beetle when it comes into view.3. Be patient and observe the water for a while to spot a diving beetle swimming by.4. Move slowly and approach the beetle cautiously to avoid scaring it away.

What to do with Diving Beetles?

Once you've caught a diving beetle, you can donate it to the museum or sell it for bells. If you choose to donate it to the museum, it will be put on display for other players to see.


Catching a diving beetle in Animal Crossing can be a fun and rewarding experience. With the right tools and techniques, you can easily snag one for your collection. Remember to be patient and observant when searching for these elusive little insects, and above all, have fun exploring your island and all it has to offer!

Diving Beetle Animal Crossing: A Guide to Catching Them and Adding Them to Your Collection

Welcome, fellow Animal Crossing enthusiasts! Today, we will be discussing the elusive diving beetle. This aquatic creature is a prized catch for many players of the game and can add an exciting element to your collection. In this article, we'll provide you with everything you need to know to catch these elusive beetles and add them to your collection.

What is a Diving Beetle?

Before we dive into how to catch these beetles, let's first take a moment to learn more about them. Diving beetles are aquatic insects that can be found in ponds, lakes, and streams. They have a distinct oval shape and are usually black or brown in color. These beetles have long legs that are perfect for swimming and diving, which is how they earned their name.

When and Where to Find Diving Beetles in Animal Crossing?

If you're looking to catch a diving beetle, you'll need to know when and where to find them. These beetles can be found in bodies of water such as ponds, streams, and even the ocean during the months of May through September. They are most active during the afternoon and evening, so be sure to check for them during those times.

In terms of location, diving beetles can be found in any body of water on your island. It's important to note that these beetles don't always stay still, so you may need to keep an eye out for movement on the surface of the water.

The Best Approach to Catching Diving Beetles

Now that we know where to find diving beetles, it's time to talk about the best approach to catching them. The first thing you'll need is a net. Once you have your net, approach the body of water where you've seen the beetle and press 'A' to ready your net. Once you see a diving beetle in the water, approach it slowly and press 'A' again to swing your net and catch the beetle.

It's important to note that these beetles are quick, so you'll need to move fast. If you miss the first time, don't worry; just try again. It may take a few tries, but with a bit of patience and practice, you'll become a diving beetle catching pro in no time.

How to Display Your Diving Beetle Collection

Once you've caught a few diving beetles, you can start to create an impressive collection. To display your collection, you can place them on a table, shelf, or in the aquarium. They'll look great alongside your other aquatic creatures and add a unique touch to your island.

The Benefits of Catching a Diving Beetle

Aside from being a prized item for many collectors, catching a diving beetle has additional benefits. Each diving beetle can be sold for a decent amount of bells at Nook's Cranny. Additionally, you can donate it to the museum to complete your aquatic insect collection.

Catching a diving beetle also unlocks the Golden Net achievement. By catching all fish, bugs, and sea creatures, you'll unlock the Golden Net and receive a special in-game reward.

Final Thoughts

Catching diving beetles can be an exciting and rewarding experience for any Animal Crossing player. With a bit of patience and practice, you'll soon add these elusive creatures to your collection. We hope this guide has been helpful and motivated you to find and catch your first diving beetle. Good luck!

Thanks for reading! Be sure to check back here for more Animal Crossing tips and tricks. Have you caught a diving beetle? Let us know in the comments below!

People Also Ask About Diving Beetle Animal Crossing

What is a Diving Beetle in Animal Crossing?

A Diving Beetle is a type of bug that can be found in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It can be caught by diving in the ocean during the months of June to September in the Northern Hemisphere and December to March in the Southern Hemisphere.

What is the rarity of the Diving Beetle in Animal Crossing?

The Diving Beetle is a rare bug in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It has a spawn rate of 1.69% and can only be caught while diving in the ocean.

What is the selling price of the Diving Beetle in Animal Crossing?

The Diving Beetle sells for 800 Bells in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This makes it one of the more valuable bugs that can be caught while diving.

Can the Diving Beetle be donated to the museum in Animal Crossing?

Yes, the Diving Beetle can be donated to the museum in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Once donated, it can be viewed in the bug exhibit.

What is the size of the Diving Beetle in Animal Crossing?

The Diving Beetle is a small bug in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, measuring about 1 inch in length.

Where can I find the Diving Beetle in Animal Crossing?

The Diving Beetle can be found by diving in the ocean around your island. They are more commonly found in the early morning and late afternoon.

What other creatures can be caught while diving in Animal Crossing?

Other creatures that can be caught while diving in Animal Crossing: New Horizons include sea urchins, seaweed, scallops, starfish, and various types of fish.

Overall, the Diving Beetle is a valuable and rare bug that can be caught while diving in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. So, make sure to keep an eye out for it during its spawning months and sell it for a good price.