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Master Wasteland 2 Animal Husbandry with Expert Tips and Tricks

Master Wasteland 2 Animal Husbandry with Expert Tips and Tricks

The post-apocalyptic world of Wasteland 2 is not for the faint of heart. As a Ranger, you have to navigate through dangerous territories filled with mutated creatures and bandits. However, there's more to survival than just combat. One essential aspect of staying alive is animal husbandry, which can provide a source of food and other resources.

Animal husbandry in Wasteland 2 allows you to raise livestock such as pigs, chickens, and goats. In turn, these animals produce meat, eggs, and milk that can sustain your party. But managing animals is not an easy task. You have to provide them with food, water, and shelter while protecting them from predators and diseases.

So why bother with animal husbandry in Wasteland 2? First of all, it's a sustainable source of food. Unlike scavenging for canned goods or hunting wildlife, animal husbandry allows you to produce food on a regular basis without depleting the environment. Moreover, some animals like goats and cows also produce valuable resources like leather and wool.

Another benefit of animal husbandry is that it can improve your reputation with certain factions. For example, the Atchisons are a group of farmers who appreciate self-sufficiency and will reward you for raising livestock. On the other hand, the Topekans are vegetarians who frown upon meat-eating, so you have to be careful not to offend them.

But how do you get started with animal husbandry in Wasteland 2? First, you have to find a ranch or farm where you can purchase animals. The two main locations for this are Highpool and the Ranger Citadel. Once you have acquired animals, you need to build a corral or stable to house them. Make sure to keep the area clean and free of hazards.

Of course, animal husbandry comes with its own set of challenges. Animals can get sick or injured, and you have to provide them with medical care. You also have to protect them from predators like wolves and raiders. Building a fence or hiring guards can help with this.

Furthermore, different animals require different types of feed. For example, chickens need grains and insects, while pigs require vegetables and fruits. Make sure to stock up on the right kind of feed to keep your animals healthy and productive.

But perhaps the biggest challenge of animal husbandry in Wasteland 2 is time management. Raising livestock takes time and effort, and you have to balance it with other tasks such as quests and combat missions. One solution to this is to delegate animal care to a member of your party who has the Animal Whisperer skill.

In conclusion, animal husbandry is an important aspect of survival in Wasteland 2. It provides a sustainable source of food and resources while also improving your reputation with certain factions. However, it requires careful planning and management to avoid potential risks and time constraints. By mastering animal husbandry, you can ensure the long-term survival of your Ranger team.

Wasteland 2 Animal Husbandry
"Wasteland 2 Animal Husbandry" ~ bbaz

Wasteland 2 is a game where post-apocalyptic survivors must struggle for their survival in a world that is barren and dangerous. In this game, players can choose to experiment with animal husbandry, which is the process of breeding, nurturing, and caring for animals. It looks simple on the surface, but there are plenty of nuances and strategies that players need to keep in mind if they want to excel at this aspect of the game.

The Basics of Animal Husbandry in Wasteland 2

In Wasteland 2, players can start raising animals as soon as they acquire their very first farm or ranch. Initially, players will have access to a limited selection of animals, which include cattle, pigs, goats, and chickens. Each animal has its own strengths and weaknesses, so players will need to choose their breeding pairs carefully.

The process of animal husbandry starts with breeding animals. Players will need to choose two compatible animals and let them mate. Afterward, the female animal will become pregnant and eventually give birth to a litter of young offspring. Players will need to nurture them with food and water, while also protecting them from predators or disease.

The Benefits of Animal Husbandry

Players who invest in animal husbandry can enjoy a wide range of benefits. For one, they can gain a constant source of food and materials by killing and harvesting their livestock. Additionally, players can sell their excess produce in the market to generate extra income. This can come in handy when the player needs to purchase goods or hire mercenaries to join their group.

Breeding livestock can also grant players unique advantages on the battlefield. For example, horses can be bred and trained to serve as mounts for melee fighters, increasing their speed and mobility. Certain breeds of dogs can act as companions to the player’s squad, providing additional support by sniffing out hidden items or enemies.

Advanced Animal Husbandry Strategies

As players gain experience in animal husbandry, they can start experimenting with more complex breeding strategies to create stronger and more resilient animals. For instance, players can selectively breed their livestock by choosing specific traits they wish to pass down to future generations. This can result in more robust and efficient animals that better suit the player’s needs.

Players can also use crossbreeding to create new and improved livestock breeds. By combining different animal species, players can create hybrids that possess unique strengths and abilities. For example, combining a chicken and a snake can produce a serpent-bird that can fly around the battlefield and attack enemies from above.

Risks and Challenges of Animal Husbandry

Of course, animal husbandry is not without its risks and challenges. For one, animals can die from illness, hunger, or even old age. Players will need to keep a close eye on their livestock and make sure they are adequately protected and cared for at all times.

Predators are another concern. Many animals in the game are vulnerable to attacks from hostile creatures like wolves or scorpions. Players will need to build appropriate defenses, such as walls or traps, to keep out these dangerous enemies.

In Conclusion

Animal husbandry is an intriguing and rewarding aspect of Wasteland 2. It presents a unique challenge for players who want to take advantage of the many benefits it offers. Whether you are looking to create powerful mounts for your melee fighters or generate a reliable source of food and income, there is much to enjoy in this gameplay element. Just remember to keep an eye on your animals and be prepared to face the risks and challenges that come with this post-apocalyptic profession.

A Comprehensive Comparison of Wasteland 2 Animal Husbandry: Your Ultimate Guide


Wasteland 2 is an immersive role-playing game that offers endless opportunities to explore and engage in different activities. One of these activities is Animal Husbandry, which allows players to raise and breed animals for various purposes. In this article, we will delve into the details of Animal Husbandry in Wasteland 2, comparing it with other similar activities in different games and offering our opinion on its effectiveness.

What is Animal Husbandry?

Animal Husbandry is the art of raising and breeding animals for different purposes, such as food, companionship, and combat. In Wasteland 2, Animal Husbandry is an activity that players can engage in by obtaining livestock and building animal pens in their base. They can then feed and care for the animals, breed them, and use their offspring for different purposes.

How does it compare to other activities in Wasteland 2?

Animal Husbandry is one of the many activities that players can engage in Wasteland 2. Some of the other activities include crafting, scavenging, and combat. Compared to these activities, Animal Husbandry offers a more passive and long-term approach to gameplay. While crafting, scavenging, and combat require immediate action and decision-making, Animal Husbandry requires patience and planning.

What are the benefits of Animal Husbandry in Wasteland 2?

Animal Husbandry offers several benefits to players in Wasteland 2. Firstly, it provides a steady source of food, which is crucial in a post-apocalyptic world. Secondly, it allows players to obtain rare and unique animals that can be used for combat or companionship. Thirdly, it offers an opportunity to engage in a different aspect of gameplay, adding more depth to the overall experience.

How does Animal Husbandry compare to similar activities in other games?

Animal Husbandry is a common activity in many other role-playing games, such as Minecraft and Stardew Valley. Compared to these games, Wasteland 2 offers a more limited and simplified version of Animal Husbandry. In Minecraft, for example, players can breed different animals to obtain unique traits and produce unique offspring. In Stardew Valley, players can raise animals for not only food but also product, such as wool and eggs.

What are the limitations of Animal Husbandry in Wasteland 2?

One of the limitations of Animal Husbandry in Wasteland 2 is its simplicity. Unlike other games, Animal Husbandry in Wasteland 2 does not offer much variety in terms of breeding animals or obtaining unique offspring. Another limitation is the lack of customization options, such as the ability to name or decorate animal pens.

How does Animal Husbandry affect the overall gameplay in Wasteland 2?

Animal Husbandry, while not a crucial aspect of gameplay, adds another layer of depth and complexity to Wasteland 2. It allows players to engage in a more passive and long-term approach to gameplay, which can be refreshing and enjoyable. Additionally, it provides a steady source of food that can help players survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic world.

Should players invest time in Animal Husbandry in Wasteland 2?

Investing time in Animal Husbandry in Wasteland 2 depends on the player's interests and priorities. If they enjoy a more passive approach to gameplay and want to obtain a steady source of food, then Animal Husbandry is worth investing time in. However, if they prefer more immediate action and decision-making, then Animal Husbandry may not be the best use of their time.

Comparison Table

Game Animal Husbandry Features Customization Options Overall Effect on Gameplay
Wasteland 2 Raise and breed animals for food, companionship, and combat. Limited customization options. Adds another layer of depth and complexity to gameplay.
Minecraft Breed different animals to obtain unique traits and produce unique offspring. Extensive customization options. Adds a significant aspect of gameplay that can be crucial to survival.
Stardew Valley Raise animals for food and product, such as wool and eggs. Customizable animal pens and naming options. Adds a significant aspect of gameplay that can impact the player's success.


Animal Husbandry in Wasteland 2 offers a unique and enjoyable aspect of gameplay that adds another layer of depth and complexity. While it may not be for everyone, investing time in Animal Husbandry can provide a steady source of food and unique animals for different purposes. Compared to other games, Animal Husbandry in Wasteland 2 offers a simpler and more limited version, but it still has its merits. Overall, we believe that Animal Husbandry in Wasteland 2 is worth a try for players who enjoy a more passive approach to gameplay and want to add some variety to their experience.

Tips and Tricks for Successful Animal Husbandry in Wasteland 2


Wasteland 2 is a fantastic post-apocalyptic RPG game that has gotten thousands of players hooked on its immersive gameplay. One of the essential aspects of the game is animal husbandry. This feature allows players to breed different types of animals to assist them in their journey through the game world. Animal husbandry can provide a steady source of food, transport, and combat support for your squad.

Starting off with Animal Husbandry

To start off with animal husbandry in Wasteland 2, you must first obtain animals from various sources. You can buy some from traders, stolen from bandits, or even find them wandering around. Once you have collected a reasonable number of animals, you can start breeding them.The next step is to build a ranch or a shelter for your animals. It would be best if you had a safe place to keep your animals so that they are not attacked by hostile creatures or bandits. You can use the construction feature to build a sturdy and robust shelter for your animals.

Breeding Process

The breeding process in Wasteland 2 is relatively simple; you only need one male and one female animal. When the pair is in close proximity, they will mate and produce offspring. You can also speed up the breeding process using animal pheromones and mutagens.

Feeding and Caring for Your Animals

As with all living things, animals need to eat to stay alive. You can feed your animals with food you collect during your travels, or you can use fodder. Fodder is a type of animal feed you can craft using raw materials. Make sure to keep your animals' hunger satisfied, or they might become aggressive or sick.To keep your animals healthy, you will need to provide them with medical care when they get sick; you can do this by using animal medicines. Animal diseases are common in Wasteland 2, so it is essential to keep a stockpile of medicines in your inventory.

Utilizing Animals for Combat

Many animals in Wasteland 2 can be used in combat situations as an extra assistance to your squad. For example, you can use dogs as attackers, goats as distractions, and pigs as support units. Different animals have different skills and attributes that you can use to your advantage in combat. Make sure to pick the right animals for the job before heading out on missions.

Selling Extra Animals

As your collection of animals increases, it’s possible to have more than you can handle. One solution is to sell some of your excess animals to traders in exchange for valuable items. This allows you to free up some space in your ranch or shelter while earning currency that can be used to purchase better equipment or animals.

Mutated Animals

In Wasteland 2, mutated animals can be created with the use of mutagens. These animals have increased growth rates, higher stats, stronger attacks, and can be the best assistants in battle. However, mutated animals also require more resources to maintain, and you will need to make sure you have the necessary medicines and feed to keep them alive.


Animal husbandry is an exciting and engaging aspect of Wasteland 2. With proper care and attention, your animals can become valuable assets to your squad during combat and exploration. Always make sure to provide sufficient medical care, feed them well, and use them wisely. With these tips and tricks, you are ready to start breeding and raising your animals in Wasteland 2.

Wasteland 2 Animal Husbandry: A Guide to Surviving the Wasteland

The wasteland can be a harsh and unforgiving place. Surviving in this post-apocalyptic world requires careful planning, strategic decision-making, and knowledge of essential skills such as animal husbandry. In this guide, we will cover the basics of Wasteland 2 animal husbandry, including how to acquire livestock, feed and care for them, and utilize their resources to survive.

The first step in Wasteland 2 animal husbandry is acquiring livestock. This can be done by purchasing animals from traders or finding them in the wild. Some common livestock options in the wasteland include chickens, cows, goats, and pigs. It's important to choose animals that are well-suited for your environment and provide the best resources for your needs.

Once you have acquired your livestock, it's essential to provide them with proper care and nutrition. This includes feeding them regularly, maintaining their health through vaccinations and treatments, and keeping them safe from predators and other threats. Your livestock can also provide valuable resources such as milk, eggs, and meat, which can be used for food, trade, or crafting items.

Another key aspect of Wasteland 2 animal husbandry is breeding. Breeding allows you to increase your livestock population and improve the quality of your animals over time. It's important to choose the best animals for breeding to ensure healthy offspring and desirable traits. You can also crossbreed animals to create hybrids with unique qualities.

In addition to providing resources, your livestock can also be used for labor. For example, cows can be used for plowing fields or pulling carts, while goats can be trained to carry supplies. This can help reduce your workload and increase your productivity in the wasteland.

One of the most important things to remember when practicing Wasteland 2 animal husbandry is to prioritize the needs of your livestock. This includes providing them with adequate food, water, shelter, and medical care. Neglecting your animals can lead to poor health, lower productivity, and even death.

It's also important to consider the potential risks and challenges of practicing animal husbandry in the wasteland. For example, disease outbreaks, harsh weather conditions, and attacks from raiders or wildlife can all pose threats to your animals. Having a plan in place to protect your livestock and respond to emergencies is essential for success.

In conclusion, Wasteland 2 animal husbandry can be a valuable skill for surviving in the post-apocalyptic world. By acquiring animals, caring for them properly, and utilizing their resources, you can increase your chances of survival and thrive in the wasteland. Remember to prioritize the needs of your livestock and plan for potential risks to ensure your success.

Thank you for reading this guide to Wasteland 2 animal husbandry. We hope that it has provided you with valuable information and insights into this essential skill. Good luck on your journey through the wasteland!

People Also Ask About Wasteland 2 Animal Husbandry

What is Animal Husbandry in Wasteland 2?

Animal Husbandry is a skill that allows players to breed and raise animals for various purposes in Wasteland 2.

What animals can be bred in Wasteland 2?

Players can breed chickens, goats, pigs, and cows in Wasteland 2.

What are the benefits of Animal Husbandry in Wasteland 2?

Animal Husbandry provides players with a source of food and materials, such as eggs, milk, and meat. Additionally, some animals can be used as mounts or in combat.

How do I level up my Animal Husbandry skill in Wasteland 2?

Players can level up their Animal Husbandry skill by breeding and raising animals, as well as completing related quests and speaking with NPCs knowledgeable about animal husbandry.

Can animals die in Wasteland 2?

Yes, animals can die in Wasteland 2 from various causes, including starvation, illness, and death in combat. Proper care and attention must be given to ensure the survival of the player's animals.

  • Overall, Animal Husbandry in Wasteland 2 is a useful skill for providing a steady source of food and materials
  • Chickens, goats, pigs, and cows can all be bred and raised, some of which have practical applications in combat
  • Leveling up Animal Husbandry requires breeding and raising animals, speaking with knowledgeable NPCs, and completing related quests
  • Death can occur to your animals for various reasons, including starvation and illness.