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Discover the Magic of Diagonal Bridge in Animal Crossing - A Guide to Unlocking Its Secrets

Discover the Magic of Diagonal Bridge in Animal Crossing - A Guide to Unlocking Its Secrets

Do you ever wonder how animals cross busy roads safely without getting hit by cars? The answer is an animal crossing, commonly known as a wildlife bridge. These overpasses provide safe passage for animals over highways and roads. One fascinating example is the Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing in the Netherlands.

The Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing is a unique structure that intersects the A50 motorway in the province of Gelderland, Netherlands. It is 50 meters long and made of greenery, soil, and asphalt, resembling a small hill rather than a conventional bridge. This distinctive design allows animals to move across the bridge seamlessly while also blending into the natural landscape.

This wildlife bridge is an essential solution to mitigate animal-vehicle collisions and enhance habitat connectivity. According to research, wildlife crossings can reduce roadkill by up to 90% and provide safety for both humans and animals alike.

But wait, there's more!

The Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing is not just an eco-friendly solution; it's also beautiful to look at. The design is aesthetically pleasing and provides a serene sight for motorists and pedestrians alike.

The construction of the bridge was not a simple feat; it took two years to complete and cost around €5 million. Despite this, the results show that it has been well worth the effort. The Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing has become a symbol of sustainability and efficiency, inspiring other countries worldwide to follow the Netherlands' lead.

Since its inauguration in 2019, the bridge has witnessed numerous species passing through it - ranging from deer, boars, rabbits, and hedgehogs to foxes and weasels. Such phenomena highlight how crucial wildlife crossings are to maintain healthy ecosystems and preserve biodiversity.

In conclusion, the Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing proves that we can live in harmony with nature while ensuring safety for everyone. By investing in eco-friendly innovations, we can create solutions that will last for generations to come. Let us celebrate this remarkable achievement and inspire more transformative initiatives for a sustainable future.

Are you looking for ways to enhance your community's sustainability? Do you want to learn more about how wildlife crossings can benefit everyone? Then continue reading our blog for more exciting ideas and initiatives!

Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing
"Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing" ~ bbaz

Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing: Adding a Unique Touch to Your Game

Animal Crossing is one of the most beloved games in the world. It’s an excellent way to relax and escape from the daily hustle and bustle. The game allows players to simulate everyday life as if they're living in their dream village. You can design your home, interact with characters and build your community.

With each new version of Animal Crossing, developers introduce new features that add a layer of fun and complexity to the game. One of the unique features of the latest version of the game is the diagonal bridge in animal crossing.

What is a Diagonal Bridge in Animal Crossing?

A diagonal bridge is a diagonal structure that connects two sides of a river in Animal Crossing. Unlike straight bridges, which only allow vertical or horizontal crossings, a diagonal bridge adds a unique touch to the game. Players can move across rivers diagonally and explore more areas in their games.

One of the best things about the diagonal bridge in Animal Crossing is its aesthetic appeal. It gives players the chance to create a completely unique look for their village. The diagonal lines inspired by the bridge can also blend in naturally with many of the other elements in the game, such as trees, walkways and structures.

How to Build a Diagonal Bridge in Animal Crossing

If you want to build a diagonal bridge in Animal Crossing, it’s a relatively simple process. Firstly, you'll need to unlock the ability to build bridges in the game, which can be done by speaking to Isabelle. Once you have unlocked the ability to build bridges, follow the steps below to build a diagonal bridge:

  1. Select a location where you want to install a bridge and mark points where the bridge will start and end diagonally.
  2. Go to your inventory, take out your shovel and dig two adjacent holes in a diagonal pattern (where the bridge starts and ends).
  3. Get into the water along the edge and swim to the end of an archable river.
  4. Go back into the dirt and fill the hole you dug, and then move to the other side of the river and do the same.
  5. Go to the bank land on each side, facing the holes and press “A”.
  6. Interact with the prompt onscreen, and select the option for “build bridge”.

Once you’ve done these steps, your diagonal bridge should be built. You can now customize and decorate the bridge just like any other part in your village.

Tips for Building a Diagonal Bridge in Animal Crossing

If you want to build a diagonal bridge in Animal Crossing, there are some tips to help make the process smoother and easier:

  • Plan your bridge location wisely: Be careful when choosing the location of the bridge. Make sure it's easily accessible and fits well with other things around it.
  • Use different types of bridges: In Animal Crossing, you can use different types of bridges to create more variety. Try creating styled bridges to match the aesthetic of your village.
  • Pay attention to the slope: The slope of your bridge is essential because it affects the flow of your villagers. Make sure it’s not too steep or too flat, but just right.
  • Decorate your bridge: After you've built your bridge, feel free to decorate it with flowers or other features that fit with the theme of your village.

Final Thoughts

The diagonal bridge in Animal Crossing adds a unique touch to this beloved game. It's not just a structure built for crossing the river, but it also brings a new level of aesthetic appeal that blends in with other elements in the game. If you want to add this unique feature to your village, follow the steps and tips above, and you're on your way to creating a designer paradise!

Comparison between Old and New Diagonal Bridge in Animal Crossing


Animal Crossing has been a popular game since the launch of its first installment in 2001. It has managed to gain millions of players over the years. The recent addition of an updated version of the diagonal bridge in the game has caused a stir among fans. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences and similarities between the old and new diagonal bridges in Animal Crossing.


The design of the new diagonal bridge is strikingly similar to the original diagonal bridge present in the first version of Animal Crossing. The only difference is that the new one has a more polished finish. The old diagonal bridge looks crude, as if it was constructed using a child's building blocks set. The new diagonal bridge appears sturdier, with more attention paid to the details of its construction.

Quality of Graphics

The quality of the graphics on the new diagonal bridge is exceptional. When comparing it with the old version, the new diagonal bridge has more vibrant colors, intricate textures, and stunning animations. The old diagonal bridge’s graphics are dull, and its animations cannot compare to those of the new version.

Construction Time

The time taken to build each bridge differs in both versions of the game. The old diagonal bridge took a longer time to complete, while the new one took a shorter period. This difference in construction time is simply because of the advancements in technology that were not present during the development of the older version of the game.


Both diagonal bridges have the same functionality. They offer the same ease of use, and have features such as allowing cross-river traffic, fishing, and bug catching. There is no noticeable difference in how the two bridges can be used within the game.

Cost and Availability

The cost of each diagonal bridge differs in both versions. The old diagonal bridge was relatively inexpensive and widely available. The new version of the bridge, however, is much more expensive and requires a higher level of in-game progress to earn it. This cost increase is understandable, given the enhancements and upgrades made in the new diagonal bridge.


The old diagonal bridge had its charm, but when compared to the new one, it looks outdated. The design of the new diagonal bridge is beautiful and modern-looking, making it a perfect addition to any in-game landscape. Its visual appeal is enhanced by the impressive animation effects that have been added to the new version.

Gameplay Experience

The gameplay experience of using the new diagonal bridge is far superior to using the old version. This is because the new diagonal bridge offers a better overall gaming experience, due to the advancements made in graphics and design. Players can immerse themselves more deeply in the game world, thanks to the detailed textures and realistic animations.


Both bridges are unique in their own way. The old diagonal bridge has its retro charm, while the new one has a sleek, modern design. The new diagonal bridge’s unique features add to its overall appeal and make it stand out from other bridges in the game.

Overall Opinion

While both have their own unique characteristics, the new diagonal bridge is a clear winner in terms of overall quality. It has greatly improved graphics, an unmatchable design, and its usability and gaming experience are outstanding. Although it is costly and takes a longer time to unlock, players who have experienced its charms cannot help but fall in love with it.

Comparison Table

Features Old Diagonal Bridge New Diagonal Bridge
Design Crude and outdated Sleek and Modern
Quality of Graphics Dull graphics and animations Stunning graphics and animations
Construction Time Longer time Shorter time
Usability Same functionality as new bridge Same functionality as old bridge
Cost & Availability Inexpensive and widely available Costly and requires higher level of progress to unlock
Aesthetics Outdated look Beautiful and modern design
Gameplay Experience Not as immersive as the new bridge Immersive, thanks to improved graphics and animations

In conclusion, the new diagonal bridge in Animal Crossing is a significant improvement on its predecessor. Its sleek design, stunning graphics, and enhanced gameplay experience make it a must-have for any player who wishes to enhance their gaming experience. Even though it is costly and takes a while to unlock, it is undoubtedly worth the investment.

Diagonal Bridge in Animal Crossing: A Complete Guide

If you are a fan of the game Animal Crossing, then you must have come across the diagonal bridge. This is an essential item in the game that can improve your island's overall appearance and functionality. In this guide, we will take you through everything you need to know about the diagonal bridge, from cost to construction.

What is a Diagonal Bridge?

A diagonal bridge is a decorative item in the Animal Crossing game that is used to connect two parts of the island. It is one of the most popular bridges in the game as it adds a unique touch to the island.

How to Unlock Diagonal Bridge?

Before you can unlock the diagonal bridge, you must first pay off your 98,000 bells house loan. Once you complete this loan, Tom Nook will offer you bridge construction permits for the three new types of bridges - incline, suspension, and the infamous diagonal bridge.

Construction Cost

The Diagonal bridge costs 228,000 bells to construct. This amount is significantly higher than the other types of bridges in the game, but it adds a unique feature to your island that can help you earn more bells in the long run.

Materials Needed

To build the diagonal bridge, you need to have the following materials:- 4 wooden planks- 4 iron nuggets

How to Build a Diagonal Bridge?

To build the diagonal bridge, follow these steps:Step 1: Visit Tom Nook and select Let's talk island infrastructure.Step 2: Choose the build a bridge option.Step 3: Select the diagonal bridge option.Step 4: Ensure that you have enough funds to cover the construction cost.Step 5: Choose a suitable location for the bridge.Step 6: Provide the necessary materials - 4 wooden planks and 4 iron nuggets.

Tips for Building Diagonal Bridge

Here are some useful tips to consider when building a diagonal bridge:- Choose a suitable location where the diagonal bridge will be visible- Ensure that there is enough space for both entrances and exits- Make sure you have the necessary materials before starting the construction process.

Advantages of Diagonal Bridge

Owning a diagonal bridge comes with several advantages such as:- Adds a unique touch to your island that sets it apart from others- Increases the number of visitors to your island- Helps you move easily between two parts of the island


In conclusion, the diagonal bridge is a unique and fascinating item that should be a part of any Animal Crossing island. It adds beauty and functionality to your island and helps you create an iconic landscape that keeps visitors coming back to explore more. Use these tips to help with the construction process, and enjoy all the benefits that come with owning a diagonal bridge.

Discovering the Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing: A Guide for Visitors

Welcome to our guide about the Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing – one of the most unique and stunning sights to see in the world! Located in Changhua County, Taiwan, the Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing is a pedestrian bridge that crosses over an expressway. As you walk across this remarkable bridge, you can enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding area, including the beautiful Dajia River.

The Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing is unlike any other pedestrian bridge you’ve seen before; it features a diagonal design that makes it stand out from all other bridges around. The bridge was designed by Weng Shou-Min, a Taiwanese architect who took inspiration from the DNA helix, giving the bridge its unique appearance.

The bridge spans 280 meters long and is capable of accommodating up to 600 visitors at once. The Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing takes about 10 minutes to cross. The best time to visit the bridge is during the early morning or late afternoon when the traffic is not too heavy.

As you walk along the Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing, you will experience a sense of weightlessness because the bridge structure appears to be floating in the air. You’ll also appreciate how the design allows for maximum natural light to shine through the gaps in the bridge, creating a beautiful lighting effect that changes throughout the day.

If you’re visiting the Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing, you should wear comfortable shoes as the walk can be quite long and tiring. Don’t forget to bring a camera to capture the breathtaking views of the surrounding area. Also, remember to take plenty of water because there are few vending machines on the bridge.

One of the most exciting things about the Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing is that it offers breathtaking sunset views. If you’re planning to visit the bridge in the evening, make sure to stay until sunset to experience the vibrant colors of the sky unfold before you. Witnessing a sunset on the Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing is a truly unforgettable experience.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing is more than just a tourist attraction; it’s used by local residents as a place for exercise and relaxation. As such, you should be respectful of the locals who are using the bridge for its intended purpose. Try not to take up too much space and always make way for joggers and other pedestrians.

In conclusion, if you’re visiting Taiwan, make sure to add the Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing to your itinerary. It’s a must-visit destination for anyone interested in unique architecture, stunning views, and unforgettable experiences. You won’t regret making the trip to this breathtaking pedestrian bridge and witnessing all it has to offer.

Thank you for reading our guide on the Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing. We hope you found the information helpful in planning your visit to this incredible destination. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Happy travels!

People Also Ask About Diagonal Bridge Animal Crossing

What is Diagonal Bridge in Animal Crossing?

Diagonal Bridge is a unique bridge design in the popular simulation video game, Animal Crossing. It is characterized by its diagonal slope, which contrasts with the straight and arched bridges available in the game.

How do I get a Diagonal Bridge in Animal Crossing?

To get a Diagonal Bridge in Animal Crossing, players must purchase it from the Able Sisters shop for 228,000 Bells once it is available. Alternatively, Diagonal Bridges can be obtained via trading with other players or through a balloon present.

Can I customize the color of my Diagonal Bridge?

Yes, players can customize the color of their Diagonal Bridge by using customization kits purchased from the Nook's Cranny shop. These customization kits come in various colors, allowing players to choose the one that best fits their preference.

Does building a Diagonal Bridge affect my island's rating?

No, building a Diagonal Bridge does not directly affect your island's rating in Animal Crossing. However, it can enhance the aesthetic value of your island, which can indirectly contribute to your island's rating.

Can I remove my Diagonal Bridge?

Yes, players can remove their Diagonal Bridge at any time by using their shovel or axe tools. However, they will not receive a full refund for the original purchase price of the bridge, only a portion of it depending on how long the bridge has been in use.